Who We Are
We are a team guided by our pursuit of adventure and creating outdoor experiences worth sharing.
Let’s face it, we love doing things outside and our kids are nuts, so we needed an outlet we could all enjoy and something to fulfill our ever lasting desire of exploration, discovery, and curiosity.
When we view a map, we're suddenly in wonder of all that lies within and between the lines on the paper. What are the stories hidden in these little towns? Where are the best pancakes, tacos, and burgers served in this section of the world? How many waterfalls lie within this mountain stream?
You might even say we’re modern day treasure hunters. The best part is, we want to share all our findings with you! We aim to make your next trip with Rove Rentals an unforgettable experience.
To inspire and create.
It is our goal to inspire those around us to engage in the outdoors, pursue adventure, and create life long memories with friends, family, and loved ones.
We want our renters to worry less & relax more. We want your ROVE rentals trip to be the one you look forward to and the one you remember the most.
Johnny Pratt
Creative Vision & Navigator
Scott Schmerge
Business Development and Strategy
Michael Toth
Director of Operations
Michael and his wife Nina are the proud parents of two wonderful daughters. Their family also fosters young children.
Originally from Western PA, his family moved to Eastern North Carolina while he was in high school. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and settled in Charlotte after college. Michael has had a career in banking technology; 25 years of breathing recycled air under artificial light yearning to be outside.
Besides his passions for camping and hiking, he and one of his brothers convert Sprinter Vans into adventure vehicles.
Michael is excited about ROVE and the opportunity it brings to others to get outside and hit the trails, spend time with those they love the most and reconnect with the great outdoors.
John Ashworth
Chief Financial Officer
A Tribute to our Founders
Johnny and Marissa Pratt
Chelsea and Brian Wriston